Website SEO (website title, description and keywords)



To edit the different SEO elements of your website make sure you are in the ‘Web’ view of the platform. This is located in the middle of your header bar. Go to the ‘General Settings’ tab on the navigation panel and click on ‘Search Engine Data’


Title: Your website title is what will appear when your page is googled and also the title that appears on you browser tabs


Keywords: The keywords you enter on this page will help boost your google ranking. When choosing keywords for your website there’s a few things you should ask yourself to make the most out of you SEO

  1. Is the keyword relevant to your website’s content?
  2. Will searchers find what they are looking for on your site when they search using these keywords?
  3. Will your customers be happy with what they find?

Select more specific keywords that directly relate to your business if you want to target customers who may be interested in a particular product. But keep in mind that if the keywords are too specific, you might not be able to reach as many people as you’d like.


DescriptionYour website description is the snippet that appears below the blue link in a search engine (such as Google) search. Words that matched the user query get pulled out in bold so it is important to write an intelligent and compelling blurb.

There are some key elements to ensure you feature:

  1. Search Terms. Don’t forget that keywords matching the users query will be matched in bold and therefore draw the eye’s attention to your result and increase your chances of click through.
  2. Brand message/strap line. An important differentiator in a crowded marketplace. Really, what sells you? Be honest now.
  3. Compelling marketing message. Write something that markets the contents of this page.
  4. USPs/value adds/discounts/offers.
  5. Make it unique. If you don’t, Google Webmaster Tools will tell you off! It must be unique to the contents of the page


Keep in mind that website search engine optimisation is a fine art and you shouldn’t only rely on strong keywords etc for your website to be found. For great SEO you need to make sure that you website is relevant to your consumers, that you have a lot of traffic flow (through 3rd party digital advertising or social outlets e.g google adwords and social media) and that your content is constantly getting updated.

Note: When you have first published your website it can take a week or more for a search engine to find your website. This is because your website is new and doesn’t have any inbound links. Once your website is crawled, it usually takes another week or two for it to be pushed out to the index 

You can now optimise each page on your website and not just the Home Page. These will appear on the left of this section.

Just click on the page you’d like to have search engine optimised, and fill in the details.

Don’t forget to save changes at the top right of the ‘Search Engine Data’ page when you’re done.